Last post was March, blimey...
This weekend I have managed to successfully integrate my Primary 6 flight simulator with X-plane 9.70. Everything now works using a few 3rd party plug-ins from the X-plane community and a beta plug-in from Simkits themselves. I use the following software to control all the switches and gauges within version 9.70.
Software - SVmapper - A free, simple to use, key mapping program that reads the switch presses and turns them into key stroke signals. You can tie a toggle switch to a key press or release (or both).
Get it here:
X-plane Plug-in - TRCPlane-14-02-2011 - Simkits's free USB X-plane interface. This is currently in beta but works very well already. It controls the USB turn coordinator.
Get it here:
X-plane Plug-in - Simkits_XPL_3.1 - SuperDuif's free X-plane CCU interface - A fantastic plug-in that utilises the Simkits SDK to control all the (old) CCU2 instruments. Couldn't have done anything without this. Thanks SuperDuif.
Get it here:
X-plane Plug-in - XPSaitek.xpl - A free plug-in by floegl @ xplane.org. I believe this is a better plug-in than the one that Saitek has released. This allows the toggle switch to turn on the Saitek unit something I can't even do with their windows software.
Get it here:
Hope these links may be of help to someone.
Hi Rhydian, I hope you have email notifications turned on!
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of a friend - do you have the Simkits_XPL_3.1 file handy still? The link is down.
Also, if you're interested in custom X-Plane hardware, have you heard of Teensy boards? They're very cheap Arduino-compatible boards which talk to X-Plane and connect to a bewildering range of hardware, including servos, stepper motors, switches, LEDs etc.