Primary 6 is a much smaller project that I am developing to use as a general desktop flight simulator. It uses 6 of the primary instruments with it's sole purpose to simulate flying in VFR conditions. The instruments are from Simkits.com in the Netherlands using their old CCU2 controller card. The card runs with an old computer style AT power supply (remember those? Boy was that difficult to find!) and has a switch to turn on/off the PSU, unlike the ATX ones today that is controlled via the mainboard. I have 5 of the instruments so far, as well as the warning indicator. These were left over from my previous now defunct project and I wanted to e able to use them rather than sell them on Ebay. There's not much demand for them now as they have gone over to USB powered devices with the circuit board built into each unit. I still need to get the turn coordinator (about £230 - so expensive now!!!) and the instruments will be complete. The render you see above is just the left side of the project with the right side still in the development phase. A Saitek Radio along with some toggle switches for interior and exterior lighting, ignition, pitot heat and fuel pump on a black panel will be added to the right of the unit. This will be designed in CAD, made up as a render to see how it all fits together and then the files sent to get laser cut at a company in Pyle near Porthcawl, South Wales.
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